The Values of Block Play

- Strengthens and develops control of large and small muscles as preschoolers reach,
  stretch, and change positions while building
- Develops eye-hand coordination
- Provides tools for a child to create visuals that include symmetry, balance, and patterns

- Encourages creativity as a child chooses what to build
- Develops problem solving skills as a child discovers what to build
- Helps teach pre-math skill such as ordering, counting, sorting, fractions, and
- Begins basic understanding of science including gravity, force, and matter
- Develops reasoning skills through cause and effects

- Provides opportunities to communicate, resolve conflicts, and respect others
- Provides preschoolers opportunities to work together as they build or put away the blocks
- Allows preschoolers to role-play life events
- Builds relationships with teachers and other children
- Encourages initiative and ownership

- Allows preschoolers to role-play Bible stories
- Provides preschoolers opportunities to hear Bible story conversation, Bible verses and
  phrases and songs
- Offers opportunities for teachers to observe biblical understanding and to answer Bible
  related questions1

1. Thomas Sanders and Mary Ann Bradberry, Teaching Preschoolers: First Steps Toward Faith (Nashville: Childhood Ministry Publishing, 200

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